Bible-Believing Independent Baptist
Biblical Christianity is more than religion. It's about a relationship between a person and God through faith in Jesus Christ. Our aim is to proclaim and practice Biblical Christianity, to love God and love others, and to learn and live God's truth together. It is our desire that as we walk with God, others may come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through our example and witness of the Gospel.
In addition to Orthodox Christian beliefs, we hold to the following:
Believer's baptism by immersion
A regenerate [born-again] church membership
The separation between church and state, which does not exclude God's principles from government, but rather means that each is free from the ownership and control of the other [no state church]
The eternal security of the believer and the perseverance and preservation of the Saints
The two church offices are Pastors and Deacons
The two ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord's Supper
The Pre-tribulation rapture of the church
The Millennial Reign of Christ on earth after His Second Advent
While the church is one body comprised of Jew and Gentile, God still has a special plan for Israel which includes Israel's future restoration
Gavin Whitcomb, Sr. is native to Central PA and has been the Pastor of Moore's Mountain Church since 1989. He earned a BS in Pastoral Theology from Hyles-Anderson College in Crown Point, IN. His expository Bible preaching and teaching emphasize sound doctrine with application of scriptural principles to daily life, as well as Christian apologetics. As a musician and songwriter, he leads the church's music and blended worship. He and his wife, Christi, reside nearby in Etters.
We believe in Biblical Christianity, which means we hold to the Bible as the final authority on all matters of faith and practice. We consider the following three doctrines to be essential pillars of the true, biblical, historic Christian faith:
1. The Bible as the infallible Word of God
2. The Deity of Jesus Christ, and its companion doctrine, the Trinity
3. That salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by works
We are an Independent Baptist church.
We believe that independent autonomous congregations are the biblical model. We also consider ourselves Baptists, because we believe that the Baptist doctrines we hold are the closest and most faithful to the teachings of the Bible.
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